The tale of Mother Hen aka EDIYE.
Growing up, going to Granny’s place was heavenly as it was a day to skip Mum’s unending commandments
Dear Diary: October 1, 2018 I am so grateful i was born FREE!!! *This is the story of Rufus – Uwuakhuahen Akenkpaye Ewuare Akenzua XII – the Prince from Africa.* He won’t even bow to Sir Joshua John Ward. This made him furious as Rufus was constantly in his way, stopping him from mistreating slaves.
The Oxford Comma: The Lagbaja of punctuation
Dear Diary – the Oxford Comma. May 22, 2020. The Oxford comma is a subject I have failed to write 100 words about despite all my attempts over the past three days. How could a few words be so onerous? For want of a topic, today, we die here! There’s this punctuation called the “Oxford
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