Dear Diary; If you see something, say something.

September 19, 2018.

Desike soro!

Please talk to Mummy! I blurted out in frustration.

She just laid there almost unconscious. I Knew what could have happened, but my head refused to comprehend it. As I lifted my three year old, blood gushed out. I was mad with rage. I drove breaking all traffic rules, I cried, who could have touched my baby…..I was at home with her the whole time. Guilt engulfed my soul.

Desike, my darling! I am going to find help. Please stay with mummy, I beg you. Trying to ease her pain, I rocked her, stretching from my seat. Please Love, talk to me, who did this?

Mummy, Uncle Taju hurt me down there. He said we should play mummy and daddy. I became Livid.

I parked my car and grabbed Desike running into the hospital like Usain Bolt. The nurse grabbed her from me. Desike was gone. The doctor came with the nurse and said, she had bled to death from her genitals that had been torn apart from forceful penetration.


I was blind, yet I could see. I left my child’s lifeless body and drove home. All I remember is I met Taju leaving the gate with a backpack. I pushed him to the floor and picked a brick and I did not stop hitting him for the hurt he caused my child. All I saw was my baby’s tears. I hit him until I fainted from exhaustion.

My Lord, that is my testimony before this court.

PS: This is a post to state that many children suffer abuse. Some survive it, others don’t. So, if you notice something does not seem right or it does not add up or there is an unexplainable change in a child behavioural pattern, please say something. You can contact the Lagos State Domestic and Sexual Violence Response Team (DSVRT) by dialing the USSD Code *6820#. It is free and enabled under the Airtel and MTN mobile network platforms. You can also snd an email to and find them on all social media platform by searching @DSVRT. If you are not in Lagos, still say something, we have the police (they may not give an encouraging attitude at first, persist – the Police is getting better by the day). Contact government agencies like ministries in charge of children and youth, NGO’s etc.  For the sake of the child remember we all are mandated reporters of this crime against them (male and female alike) to help stop this menace that scourge our society and protect the dignity and person of a child. Children must be protected and respected in our country.

Happy 58th Independence to Nigeria!

Soro – talk
Ayemitibaje – I am completely finished


Comments (4)

  1. Victoria


    Dear Sassy Lawyer,

    Do drop contact numbers or email address, if available, social media handles as well to report such cases.

    Thank you.

    • Lagossazzylawyer


      We have the Domestic and Sexual Violence Response Team (DSVRT) at the Lagos State Ministry of Justice Annex, Alausa, Secretariat. One can make a report toll free by just dialling the USSD code on MTN and AIRTEL platform i.e. *6820# and trust me it is asap and they always resond. I have had cause to use it before.

      They can be followed on all social media platform using *dsvrt* and e-mailed at

  2. Reply

    Good work .We truly need this. Iam glad to join the awareness campaign looking after one another . One for all all for one . Sassy lawyer keep up the good work .

  3. Reply

    Child abuse is rampant in poor countries especially among those belonging to the low Social Economic order amidst poor social security measures to counter inequity. It is our collective social responsibility to protect the minors who are more likely to be on the receiving end. The story above describes one such scenario . Thank you lagos sazzy lawyer for highlighting this scourge in our midst hoping all hands be put on the deck to ensure we are our “brothers’ keepers”. A beautiful piece well penned.

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